Hey everyone!
I re-watch the services multiple times through the week to see how we can improve Sunday to Sunday. I have my opinions about Sunday‘s service presentation and overall performance, however I am opening the floor to you. Openly give your honest opinion about this week's service in the comment section.
If you believe that there are no issues and everything was done to perfection, or in contrast, you think there are some needed improvement in areas within the group don’t hold back.
Below is a link to Sunday‘s service. Review and then comment here in this post.
Hello Everyone,
I wrote a post last night…and it disappeared when I clicked publish LOL…cause I hadn’t signed in LOL, yall know me and tech don’t get along.
In short, there were a lot of wrong notes, there were a times you couldn’t hear the Altos, and I had to read a piece of paper to get the words.
We need to work on our presence LOL..either we gonna sway together, etc or not at all LOL,
In all honesty, I should have declined to sing the song Thursday, but I didn’t want people upset because it would cause us to stay longer, as well as put Kahdeen on the spot and we not be fully prepared on Sunday morning…
Good morning,
Honestly, I'm not going ro watch the service. In my opinion as our leader if you see areas for improvement let us know. Speak to us as a whole team or individually. I feel lthat it's hard to follow the recorded music and do the song exactly the same during the service. I would prefer if you just play.