Just a reminder to all AWC Music staff and members.
Alpha Worship Center Worship Service
Begins 11:00-11:05am (pending no Technical Issues/other)
Ends 12:45-1:15pm
Pre-Service Praise Team Rehearsal
Begins 10:00-10:10am
Ends 10:30-10:50am
If you are arriving to pre-service rehearsal later than 10:10am, please inform your team leader, Tarez. (Team Group text is acceptable)
Any arrival time to rehearsal after 10:30am is unacceptable. It is strongly advisable to worship with the congregation for service. This kind of lateness is not fair to your team, the church and God.
Important Internal Communication:
Start of service is communicated by thumbs up “👍🏾”. The Media & Sound Ministry will thumbs up “👍🏾” the Music Executive (Kahdeen), he in turn, will thumbs up “👍🏾” the Praise Team to begin service. Be vigilant of time and the communication signals when on stage.
Example: If it is already 11am and you have just arrived to your seat on stage, assume service is ready to begin. Look for thumbs up, Get your mics, and go center stage!